Trump Goes Golfing on Sunday, Not Church, After Demanding Houses of Worship Open


President Donald Trump headed to his Virginia golf club once again Sunday morning, according to a Wall Street Journal reporter, just days after he made a brief press statement demanding that houses of worship be opened “right now for this weekend” during the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump said Friday afternoon he would override governors if they didn’t follow his lead, adding that “in America we need more prayer, not less.” Despite claiming authority over governors when it comes to reopening decisions earlier during the pandemic, Trump does not have the power to make that happen by simply making such a statement. 

Trump’s return visit to the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia was his second of the holiday weekend. As of late Sunday morning, the nation’s death toll from the coronavirus was over 97,000, according to Johns Hopkins University. “Cases, numbers and deaths are going down all over the Country!” Trump tweeted Sunday.

Daily Beast

*As I post this Worldometer says the U.S. has 99,903 coronavirus deaths.

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