Trump Encourages Governors to Show Force to Protesters

Trump told the nation’s governors in a video teleconference Monday to aggressively target violent protesters he said would only respond to a show of force.

From the basement of the White House, Trump told them “you have to dominate or you’ll look like a bunch of jerks, you have to arrest and try people.” 

Trump, the self-proclaimed law and order president, told the governors it was not his responsibility but theirs to tamp down violence.

“It’s a movement, if you don’t put it down it will get worse and worse,” Trump said. “The only time its successful is when you’re weak and most of you are weak.”

Trump said the whole world was laughing at Minneapolis for it’s police station being burned, emphasizing his belief that the “radical left” was responsible.

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker talked back.

“Rhetoric coming out of the White House is making it worse, people are experiencing real pain,” Pritzker told the President. “We’ve got to have national leadership calling for calm and legitimate concern for protestors.”

“I don’t like your rhetoric that much either,” Trump fired back. “You could have done much better on coronavirus.”

See CNN.

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