Trudeau led his country out of a pandemic while Trump’s lack of leadership leaves the US in deep crisis

Trudeau's decision to forgo travel to Washington comes as Trump's attempts to diminish or deny the health crisis are causing his political standing to crater .

Canadians mark length of time of COVID-19 by the increasing length of Trudeau’s hair.

For months, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s hair kept growing.As the coronavirus pandemic kept barbershops closed to customers, his tidy trim grew into a wave that evolved eventually into a mop with bangs.

For some, the mane came to embody the shared sacrifices that Trudeau — quarantined at his home in Ottawa — was asking fellow Canadians to endure to stop the spread of coronavirus.

US Blue line; Canada Red line.

Things progressed differently 450 miles south in Washington. President Donald Trump’s hair has appeared unchanged during the crisis as he makes no attempt to model the guidelines and recommendations his government is recommending to stay safe — including wearing a mask, avoiding large crowds and limiting travel to essential business only.

Trudeau at BLM protest June 5, 2020

On Wednesday, the differences in the two approaches will be front and center as Trump marks the official beginning of the new North American trade agreement that is a signature achievement for all three participating governments: the United States, Mexico and Canada.

While Mexico’s President accepted Trump’s invitation to participate in the ceremony, Trudeau did not.”We wish the United States and Mexico well at Wednesday’s meeting,” the prime minister’s office said. “While there were recent discussions about the possible participation of Canada, the Prime Minister will be in Ottawa this week for scheduled Cabinet meetings and the long-planned sitting of Parliament.”

See entire article at CNN.