At the core of a 50-page report compiled by the UK’s Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) over a year ago is the question of to what extent Russian influence held sway over UK political events, such as the 2016 Brexit referendum, and whether senior Conservatives were open to such advances.
The report was unveiled on Tuesday, six months later than originally planned. That release date was scuppered by Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to dissolve parliament after calling a snap election, thus delaying its publication.
The crux of the matter is that the report could not be made public while the ISC was in limbo.
Indeed, the committee hadn’t met since December’s election — an anomaly in itself — due to Downing Street’s failure to approve a list of MPs and peers nominated for membership. In a quirk of British politics, the ISC — which scrutinizes the activities of security and intelligence agencies — reports not to parliament but to the prime minister, who must clear its reports for publication.
What are they hiding?

Undue political interference
Crisis? What crisis?
Article submitted by, muethos.