Five takeaways from Barr’s contentious congressional hearing

“In your time at the department,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold E. Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in his opening statement, “you have aided and abetted the worst failings of this president.”

Barr came ready to defend himself from such accusations, an opportunity Republicans on the committee repeatedly gave him.

Here are five takeaways from Barr’s testimony:

1. He is all in as a partisan player
2. Under increased scrutiny, Barr is not backing down from sending federal agents into cities
3. Barr doesn’t think police have a racism problem
4. Barr doubled down on raising fears about voting by mail
5. Barr hesitates to say a president shouldn’t accept foreign help to get elected

The article provides details for each statement.


Article submitted by, pccommentary.