Thousands protest in Mauritius over dead dolphins, demand resignations

Tens of thousands of people have protested in Mauritius over the government’s slow response to an oil spill from a grounded Japanese ship and the alarming discovery of dozens of dead dolphins in recent days

Remnants of Oil Spill from Japanese ship

(Reuters) – Thousands of protesters demonstrated in the Mauritius capital Port Louis on Saturday to demand an investigation into an oil spill from a Japanese ship and the mysterious death of at least 40 dolphins that have been found near the site of the spill.

Stock photo of dolphins swimming in Mauritian waters

Environmentalists have called for an investigation into whether the dolphins died as a result of the spill caused when the bulk carrier, the MV Wakashio, struck a coral reef last month.

Protestor from Greenpeace joining protest against oil spill in dolphin waters.

One protestor held a banner with a dolphin covered in oil reading “our lives matter” and another held one calling for the government to resign. Mauritian flags were waved across the packed square of St Louis Cathedral.

Protests against the oil spill.

Story continued here: Reuters and ABC