‘Patriot Prayer’ Trump supporter shot and killed in Portland

A man was shot dead in downtown Portland, Oregon, on Saturday night as supporters of President Donald Trump and Black Lives Matter protesters clashed, police said.

Video from downtown Portland near the Justice Center showed lifted four-wheel-drive trucks driving through intersections filled with protesters.

It was not immediately clear whether the differing political views had anything to do with the shooting.

Earlier in the evening, Portland police tweeted: “There have been some instances of violence between demonstrators and counterdemonstrators. Officers have intervened and in some cases made arrests.”


The man who was shot and killed was wearing a hat with the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a far-right group based in Portland that has clashed with protesters in the past.

The Trump supporters gathered earlier Saturday in the suburbs and plotted a route for the several hundred vehicles involved in the event that would have kept them on the highways outside the city center. But some of the ralliers headed directly downtown, where counterprotesters confronted some of the vehicles. Some of the conflicts led to fistfights. In one encounter, someone drove over a bike, drawing police to the scene.



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