Republican plan for ‘election integrity’ panel moves forward in PA House

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A proposal to set up a Republican-majority state House panel to review the fall election, with subpoena power and money to operate, was muscled out of committee Wednesday over loud Democratic objections.

The resolution would establish a Select Committee on Election Integrity to look into how the election is being regulated and conducted and to help determine if new legislation is needed, possibly before the Nov. 3 vote. []

The resolution, which GOP leaders said will likely get a final House floor vote Thursday, was approved on a strictly party-lines vote by the House State Government Committee. As a House resolution, it does not require approval by the Senate or governor.

Democrats said they were concerned about Republicans launching partisan investigations into the election in the weeks ahead of Election Day.

“Democracies die slowly,” said Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Philadelphia. “And I think that this bill would be a fatal blow to our democracy.” []

From MSNBC: PA State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta talks with Rachel Maddow about resisting an effort by state Republicans to establish a last minute committee that would have oversight powers over the election even as vote counting is in progress. Aired on 10/01/2020.

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From MSNBC: Rachel Maddow encourages viewers and national media outlets to be pay attention to swing state legislatures that are controlled by Republicans to be on the lookout for schemes to suppress voting. Aired on 10/01/2020.

About Abra K'Dabra 16 Articles
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." --Aesop