Search intensifies for WA murder hornet nests to stop honeybee slaughter

(NBC) — Evidence of six sightings of Asian giant hornets, known as murder hornets, in Washington state have prompted an urgent search for a possible nest. State agriculture officials are working to find and destroy [it] before the hornets enter their “slaughter phase,” when they kill honeybees, which are crucial for pollinating some of the state’s staple crops, such as raspberries and blueberries.

“Murder hornets’ attacks on honeybee hives tend to increase around this time of the year,” said Sven-Erik Spichiger, entomologist at the Washington Department of Agriculture, during a virtual news conference Friday.

The first of the recent sightings occurred nearly two weeks ago when a private landowner in the town of Blaine in Whatcom County, near the Canadian border, captured two murder hornets.

When the state Department of Agriculture responded to the sighting on Sept. 30, a scientist trapped one hornet alive, a first for the agency, spokeswoman Karla Salp said during the news conference. The number of murder hornets found suggest that a nest has been established in the area, said Spichiger. “We hope to locate the nest in a couple of weeks and eradicate it.”

In order to successfully eradicate the nests, murder hornets need to be caught alive.

(King 5 News) Officials with the Washington State Department of Agriculture caught their first live Asian giant hornet this week – a goal the state has discussed for months now in the race to eradicate the invasive pest.
About Abra K'Dabra 16 Articles
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." --Aesop