Stormy Daniels and Melania Trump Accuse Each Other of Being a Hooker!

After hearing audio of Melania Trump seeming to call her a hooker, porn star Stormy Daniels accused the first lady of being the one who has sex for money.

Tapes released by the first lady’s former friend Stephanie Winston Wolkoff Monday seem to record Melania calling Daniels, a.k.a. Stephanie Clifford, a “porn hooker” after learning the adult performer was being photographed for Vogue magazine in 2018.

Stormy wasn’t having any of that.

“Hahaha! Although I wasn’t paid for sex and therefore technically not a ‘hooker’ I’ll take being that over what you are any day,” Daniels tweeted. “You sold your p—sy AND your soul…and I’m legal. Keep talking about me.”

Stormy also mentioned steamy photos taken of Melania during her modeling days.

Daniels signed off her tweet with “#bebest lol”.

NY Daily

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