Birx Confronted Pence About Scott Atlas

Deborah Birx recently confronted Mike Pence about the influence of Scott Atlas on the White House coronavirus response team.

Birx raised her concerns about the information Atlas was giving Trump and suggested he be removed from the White House coronavirus task force.

The exchange was first reported by The Washington Post, which said Pence asked Birx and Atlas to work out the strife on their own and to present data to their colleagues supporting their viewpoints. 

Atlas praises herd immunity, which calls for allowing the virus to spread among lower-risk, younger people to build up immunity while having “focused protection” on older, high-risk people. 

Twitter also removed a tweet from Atlas over the weekend that questioned the effectiveness of masks, which are embraced by leading experts as a way to slow the spread of the virus. “Masks work? NO,” Atlas’s tweet began. 

Atlas also pushes back against increased testing, saying testing should be focused only on the vulnerable, and that testing among the asymptomatic disrupts the work force.

See the story at The Hill.