Trump With Evangelical Pastor Paula White at the White House
If you are a Trumpster, help is on the way. I’m not sure what it is, and who keeps walking behind her, but here it is.
Presidential spiritual adviser Paula White is currently leading an impassioned prayer service in an effort to secure Trump's reelection.
Says Her Toes Were Shot Off by Ex-Husband: Woman Backs Preacher’s Claims, But Now People Want Proof NU††ER WA†CH I posted this last weekend, looks like it still has legs. A Missouri Christian pastor has MORE
LE††UCE PREY Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said the shooter is down. He walked back an earlier post on X that said that the shooter was shot by an on-scene deputy. In an updated post, MORE
NU††ER WA†CH Washington State Rep. Matt Shea (R-WA)—who’s been accused of participating in domestic terrorism against the U.S.—has to cough up $4,700 after he damaged the steps of a Capitol building by drenching them with MORE