Free Chat Friday, Week 46

Friday the 13th? Are you kidding me? The idea of having a BAD LUCK day in the year of 2020 is like having straight capsaicin added to your already flaming enchilada.. . . .or it’s like having the Professor say “In addition to your final on Milton’s Paradise Lost, come prepared to recite random verses backward and upside down. . . . .🤣 It’s like going to the doctor and seeing her holding your brainscan with a confused look on her face. . . . .YOU know what I’m talking about– bad luck piled on top of bad luck.

OR, maybe it’s not ALL bad…..

For MY part, I’m looking ahead into the future and for the first time in awhile planning for that future. Looking at a virtual Thanksgiving and Christmas and sending kids, sibs, friends, parent something edible and not burned for FaceTime chowing down. Thinking of a Trumpless world where everyone tells the truth. Imagining a coming together of neighbors of different races, religions, worldviews, all wearing masks because they care about the person near them. AND I picture Joe Scarborough shutting the f**k up and Chuck Todd returning to the land of his people at Fox or OAN🤣.

.And today? I think chatting is in order– I heard yesterday that Trump needs time to “process” his loss; well I think we need time to process — what’s happening in your neck of the woods? Plots and plans, thoughts and ideas? You name it, it’s process-worthy. …….

And now for some meditative breathing using the magical mantra: Jan20Jan20Jan20……..