How Kamala and the coronavirus tanked Trump’s Fed pick

Vice President Mike Pence has salvaged some of President Donald Trump’s most contentious nominees. But on Tuesday, it was Vice President-elect Kamala Harris breaking the deadlock to tank a top Trump pick.

Just after 3 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon, Harris and her police escort arrived at the Capitol after hours of uncertainty over whether she’d appear. The California senator then strode to the Senate floor to provide the decisive vote against Federal Reserve nominee Judy Shelton. Pence wasn’t even in the building.

“The irony is her voting kept Pence from voting,” said Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), an aggressive critic of Shelton’s and the top Democrat on the Banking Committee. Had Harris missed the vote, Pence could have broken a 48-48 tie.


Article submitted by, pccommentary.