Gov Stitt declares day of prayer and fasting for Oklahomans affected by COVID-19!


“Oklahomans have always turned to prayer to guide us through trials and seasons of uncertainty, and I am asking Oklahomans of all faiths and religious backgrounds to join together with me on Thursday,” Stitt said in a statement. “I believe we must continue to ask God to heal those who are sick, comfort those who are hurting and provide renewed strength and wisdom to all who are managing the effects of COVID-19.”

The Oklahoman

Eight months earlier …

On March 25th 2020, Gov Stitt declared a “Statewide Day of Prayer” for all Oklahomans affected by COVID-19:

“I know this is an uncertain or anxious time for many Oklahomans right now,” Stitt said. “That is why I believe it is important we join together as a state and pray for God’s blessing, protection and strength as we face a challenge that is unprecedented in its scope.”

On March 25th, Stitt’s first day of prayer, Oklahoma had approximately 53 new cases of COVID-19. Today Oklahoma reported 2,859 new cases and 202,341 total cases.

Tulsa World

Some Oklahoma health care officials have criticized the governor’s response to the pandemic and encouraged Stitt to take stronger actions to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The White House Coronavirus Task Force has also recommended Stitt take greater action, such as requiring masks statewide and limiting restaurant and bar capacity, to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Oklahoma House Minority Leader Emily Virgin, D-Norman, said she’s praying for a lot of things, including for the governor to take greater action to mitigate the spread of the virus. “I pray every day for Oklahomans who are fighting COVID and for the medical professionals treating them,” she tweeted. “I also pray every day that our government leaders find the courage and wisdom to do more to save lives and slow the spread of this awful virus.”

The Oklahoman again.

Four years earlier …

In 2016, then Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin — an avid Trump supporter — named Thursday Oilfield Prayer Day, inviting her constituents to appeal the Lord to show mercy on its oil and gas industry. 

Business Insider

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