COVID 19 UPDATES: 12 / 17 / 2020

Yesterday America set new records for new cases and new covid deaths in a single day, along with new records for hospitalizations, ICU beds used, and ventilators used.


  • + 248,686 new cases
  • 7 day average of 220,017 cases / day
  • 17,394,314 total cases
  • +3,538 new deaths
  • 7 day average of 2,570 cases / day
  • 314,629 total deaths

In only the first 16 days of December, America has racked up:

  • 3.43 million new cases (nearly 20% of the overall 10 month total)  It took 147 days for the first 3.4 million cases to be recorded this year
  • 40,333 new deaths  (nearly 13% of the overall 10 month total)  It took 62 days for the first 40,000 deaths to be recorded this year


  • America’s 7 day positive test rate is 11.2%
  • 2 states + DC have a positive rate of 5% or less
  • 27 states have a positive rate of 10% or higher
  • 8 states have a positive rate of 20% or higher
  • The highest rates of confirmed new cases are in Tennessee, California, and Kansas


  • Hospitalizations:  113,090
  • In ICU Ward:  21,936
  • On Ventilator:  7,778


  • Data compiled by, snake.