I’ll let you guys fire up Mr. Google for the translation. We say it in dialect as baffangul, but, Vaffaculo, 2020–to the worst year ever.
Yes, we’ve had some bad years in the past; we all know and loathe the year we lost a loved one or several but 2020…JHC! What was once normal is no longer. People are sick, hungry, out of work, and dying at an alarming pace. Things won’t change tomorrow morning, but perhaps, we will have hope.
Please be safe tonight and don’t go out; it’s not worth it. Get the family together, members of your own household, and do something together. The life you save may be your own. We have next year to celebrate and ring in the new year like we’ve done in years past. But for tonight, just hang out home and be safe! Only a fool would risk his/her life and his/her family’s life to go hang out just because he/she wants to and can.
A big virtual hug and thank you to all of you for all you do! Happy New Year!