It's 5:00 Somewhere

It’s 5:00 Somewhere

It’s 5:00 somewhere this Friday the 13th, and we’re 67 days away from Inauguration Day. Do you have your champagne ready? Unfortunately, we still have 67 days to survive until we can celebrate our freedom MORE


COVID 19 UPDATES: 11 / 13 / 2020

Murrica, you did it!  You went over 150,000 cases in a day!  Victory smells like….diesel exhaust from dozens of mobile morgue trucks helping American cities handle the dead. WORLDOMETER  stats for yesterday: +161,541 new Covid MORE


Trump 2024! MAGA!

At a meeting on Wednesday at the White House, President Trump had something he wanted to discuss with his advisers, many of whom have told him his chances of succeeding at changing the results of MORE

2020 Elections

Joe Biden wins Arizona

Although The Associated Press and Fox ‘News‘ called Arizona for Joe Biden on the night of the election, NBC finally projects Joseph R. Biden will win the state’s eleven electoral votes.