Invoking the 25th Amendment: What You Need to Know

A growing number of Republicans and administration officials are calling for Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from office.

Leading business groups with the National Association of Manufacturers condemned Trump as well, urging Pence to invoke the 25th and “preserve democracy.”

The statement from Republican-leaning NAM, the nation’s largest manufacturing association, marks perhaps the strongest political statement by a major business group in modern history. And it puts an exclamation point on the breakup between the business community and the self-styled CEO president.


Here’s how it would work:

To forcibly wrest power from Trump, Vice President Mike Pence would have to be on board, according to the text of the amendment. Read the full language here. Pence would also need either a majority of Trump’s Cabinet officials to agree the President is unfit for office and temporarily seize power from him.

Trump could dispute their move:

He would need to write a letter to Congress. Pence and the Cabinet would then have four days to dispute him. Congress would then vote — it requires a two-thirds supermajority, usually 67 senators and 290 House members to permanently remove him.