The FBI is investigating whether a woman stole a laptop from Pelosi’s office to sell it to Russia

After receiving a tip from someone claiming to be her ex

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating whether a Pennsylvania woman stole a laptop from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s office during last week’s Capitol siege to sell it to Russia, a new affidavit said. 

The affidavit, which is part of the criminal case against Riley June Williams, said in the days after the siege the FBI received calls from an individual who claimed to be a former romantic partner of Williams.

The tipster said they saw Williams inside the Capitol Building and claimed that friends showed them a video of Williams stealing either a laptop or hard drive from Pelosi’s office. 

“[Witness 1] stated that WILLIAMS intended to send the computer device to a friend in Russia, who then planned to sell the device to SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service,” the affidavit said. “According to [Witness 1], the transfer of the computer device to Russia fell through for unknown reasons and WILLIAMS still has the computer device or destroyed it.”

Full story over at Business Insider

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Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon