Live: First Biden White House Press Briefing Now.

Join us for a News Views Live Discussion in the White House Press Briefing Room for the first time since December. Jen Psaki, the Press Secretary for the Biden Administration will resume daily briefings and take questions from members of the White House Press Corps.

Psaki has promised that this will be a daily exercise in the new administration.

Psaki recognizes that she assumes the role of White House press secretary at a moment when public trust in government and its institutions is at a low point, and “we don’t expect that to change overnight,” she said.

Her goal, Psaki said, is to employ daily briefings as a tool for conveying “policy, information and data and pull the curtains back on what’s happening in the White House.”

The briefings are a ritualized means of holding power accountable. And the daily sessions have a less obvious benefit of sharpening the policymaking process; officials are not so likely to try to wing it if they know their decisions will be publicly probed for weak spots.

Source: The Washington Post