Matt Gaetz is Said to Have Sought a Blanket Pardon

Florida Man Matt Gaetz, one of Trump’s most vocal allies, who publicly pledged loyalty to Trump and signed a letter nominating him for a Nobel Peace Prize, had something to ask of his favorite president.

Before Trump left office, Gaetz asked the White House for blanket pre-emptive pardons for himself and unidentified congressional allies for any crimes they may have committed, according to two people told of the discussions. Of course, he was also asking for broad pardons from Trump to thwart what he termed the “bloodlust” of their political opponents.

And it’s unclear whether Gaetz or the White House was aware that he was under investigation at the time for sex trafficking and/or having a relationship with a 17-year-old girl.

While Trump ultimately pardoned many of his allies and others in his last months in office, top White House lawyers and officials decided that pre-emptive pardons would set a bad precedent.

This account of Mr. Gaetz’s dealings with the Trump White House is based on interviews with four people briefed on the exchanges about his pardon request and other Trump confidants. A spokesman for Mr. Trump declined to comment.

Mr. Gaetz has denied having sex with a 17-year-old or paying for sex. A spokesman denied that he privately requested a pardon in connection with the continuing Justice Department inquiry.

New York Times