Free Chat Friday, Week 15

Happy Friday, Viewers of News, and welcome to week 15 of 2021, another Friday of opening up your morning news for a glimpse of what occurred overnight. Let me just say, after seeing more of the same bloody headlines, you may want to grab your blankie and mug of coffee and just stick it out on a Free Chat thread.

(Can I just say — one person dies from a vaccine and the world stops turning.

Another eight people die from another AR, and it’s just another Friday.)

Disclaimer, while I’m trying to provide some balance to the Friday morning headlines, I’ll admit I’m no Rachel, who is on pause this week. So bear with me while I attempt to provide us all with a little Friday space to move freely about the cabin, where we chat freely about anything you want.

Here’s hoping your Friday morning is better than this guy’s. Yeesh!

And for a little Friday morning serenity……..

Happy Friday, Happy Chatting!!