‘Convicts For Trump’ Feature at Rally in Florida

‘Start of an awakening process.’ Former Gen. Mike Flynn headlines Bradenton rally

More than a 1,000 people gathered early Saturday in the Desoto Square mall parking lot in Bradenton, Florida, well before former National Security Advisor and Gen. Mike Flynn was due to speak, and they just kept coming.

Roger Stone was already there mingling at the “Save America Rally,” sponsored by Trump Train Manatee (County).

Both men were pardoned by Trump. Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI after lying to Vice President Mike Pence and others about a conversation he had with the Russian ambassador to the United States. Stone was convicted of obstructing a congressional investigation of Trump’s 2016 campaign and his contacts with Russia and Wikileaks. He was sentenced to 40 months in prison, but Trump commuted the sentence and later pardoned Stone.

Flynn said he has done nothing but served his country with honor and what America witnessed was, “The start of an awakening across America and this kind of thing that is happening here in Bradenton is happening all over the country. This is an amazing country and I really believe this was meant to be.”

“I’m going to be going across America and my principle theme is to say thank you to the American public for embracing my family and I and getting us through the persecution that we experienced over the last four years,” Flynn said. “I always say prayer is the greatest weapon and it’s something that does work. For those who prayed for our family, we learned that our faith in God is absolute.”

Flynn warned about the progressive movement while he was at it:

“I will tell you that there has been a shift over time,” Flynn said. “One of the parties, the party of progressives, they use soft words like ‘progressiveness’ or ‘liberalism,’ but all that means is socialism, Marxism, and communism. So we are at this point of divergence in this country. I witnessed this while I was in government, but I served my country the way I believed I needed to serve it and did it with all my heart.”

“I was railroaded and thank God above,” Stone said. “He answered my prayers and gave the president the strength to give me a pardon that saved my life.”

Stone said there was no evidence against him, but the IRS later forced Stone to pay back $2 million in back taxes.

“I’ve been paying that down for four and a half years, but now, unfortunately, since they bankrupted me, they are going to get nothing,” Stone said. “I still have to fight the IRS. They wiped me out financially. I lost my home, my car, my savings and even a fund I had saved for my grandchildren’s college education.”

From the Bradenton-Herald