Ted Cruz’s threat to ‘woke CEOs’ was ‘the most openly corrupt thing any Senator has said,’ ethics expert says

An expert in government ethics has described Ted Cruz’s newspaper column on “woke CEOs” as the “most openly corrupt thing any Senator has said.”

The Texas senator, in a Wall Street Journal column published last week, expressed his anger at the decision by a number of corporations, including Coca-Cola, to object to Georgia’s controversial new voting law.

Cruz faced a backlash to the column for suggesting that, “this time,” he and other Republican lawmakers would stop offering corporations potentially unethical tax breaks and other multibillion-dollar exemptions in return for financial contributions to their political causes.

“This is the point in the drama when Republicans usually shrug their shoulders, call these companies ‘job creators,’ and start to cut their taxes. Not this time,” Cruz wrote in the op-ed.


Source: Buisness Insider.


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