Free Chat Friday, week 20

Jack Ohman, Sacramento Bee

Happy Friday News Viewers, and what a Friday it is. Why? You may ask. . . .Because as I continued last night to unpack my Dad’s stuff sent from his place in Colorado, I found buried deep down in the bottom of one box a half full can of Almond Roca. ……. You know, sometimes the universe just smiles on us– I wonder if it was a sign?

That said, I did not comport myself very admirably; I ate it as if it were the last day on earth; obviously, it was Dads’s, and I opted for the “ask forgiveness” approach instead of the “ask permission” one. This is not the tackiest thing I’ve ever done but it was RIGHT up there considering the poor guy is still hospitalized. What’s even worse is that I was quite preachy and sanctimonious on the subject of how to treat the elderly on this very News Views website yesterday.

I guess bad behavior and hypocrisy are not JUST Right-Wing character defects — sometimes the mirror is harsh medicine. At least I know when I tell Dad today that I snarfed his Almond Roca. I’ll make a real apology (I found it, I ate it, I’m the culprit, there is no one else to blame) rather than a GOP apology (somebody planted it there to trick me into eating it and then they leaked it to the press and I’m sorry to all who were offended by my unfair victimization, I’ll be on the look out from now on, that I can tell you……..)

And OH, it’s free chat for chatting freely– I KNOW I’m not the only one who’s devolving into bad behavior as the Pandemic roars on: what have you been up to, wonderful NV community? Let’s hear it– what’s going on in your worlds?