Southern Baptists Report “Historic” Membership Decline

Has Lost More Than 2 Million Members Since 2006


There were 14 million Southern Baptists in 2020, according to a new report released Thursday (May 20) by Lifeway Christian Resources, which compiles official denominational statistics. That number is down 435,632 members since 2019 and 2.3 million from 2006, when the Southern Baptist Convention reached 16.3 million members.

Worship attendance was also down about 15%, with 4.4 million people attending in-person services on a weekly basis. That figure was likely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, where churches around the country shut down in-person services to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Southern Baptists, long known for denominational infighting, have seen several high-profile departures of leaders in the past year, including Bible teacher Beth Moore, ethicist Russell Moore, and a number of Black pastors. The SBC has also faced controversy over revelations of abuse, disputes over support for Donald Trump and a debate over critical race theory.

Salt Lake City Tribune

Here’s some of their members:

Franklin Graham – Evangelist and missionary

Robert J. Bentley (R-AL) – U.S. Governor of Alabama (2011–2017)

Matt Bevin (R-KY) – Businessman and U.S. Governor of Kentucky (2015-2019)

Tom Coburn (R-OK) – Southern Baptist ordained deacon, U.S. Representative (1995–2001), and U.S. Senator (2005–2014)

Doug Collins – (R-GA) – U.S. Representative (2013-present)

Ted Cruz (R-TX) – U.S. Senator (2013–present)

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – U.S. Senator (2003–present)

Mike Huckabee – Southern Baptist Minister, governor of Arkansas, and Republican candidate in the 2008 and 2016 Presidential primaries

Duncan L. Hunter (R-CA) – former US Congressman from San Diego County

Sonny Perdue (R-GA) – Governor of Georgia (2003–2011), U.S. Secretary of Agriculture

Scott Pruitt (R-OK) – Oklahoma Senator (1999-2007), Attorney General of Oklahoma (2011-2017), EPA Administrator (2017-present)

Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) – U.S. Representative (2007–present)

Ron Paul (R-TX) – U.S. Representative (1976–1977, 1975–1989, 1997–2013)

Tim Tebow -ex and current NFL football player


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