Rick and Susan Wiles Need Your Prayers

Dear friends and ministry partners,

I am writing this personal note to you.  I wanted to give you an update to the alert that we sent out yesterday evening on the emergency health status of Rick and Susan.   On behalf of the TRUNEWS team and the Wiles family, thank you so very much for your prayers as they continue to navigate this difficult situation.

Rick is very much in need of your continued prayers.  Today, he was taken to the emergency room, and under medical advice, was admitted to the hospital.  He is currently on oxygen and is expected to remain there for a number of days. 

Susan remains ill, but also needs your prayers as well.  We would request that you would pray for healing for her body, but that you will also pray that the Lord will give her peace regarding Rick’s condition.

Please pray for Rick’s children, grandchildren and extended family.  They are all currently dealing with a situation where both the patriarch and matriarch of their family are suffering, and the family needs the comfort of the Holy Spirit to speak to their hearts and continue to rise to the challenge of caring for Rick and Susan.

Please also pray for our TRUNEWS team members, and their family who have the flu and COVID.    We value each of our staff, and they each play an essential role in this ministry.  Would you lift them up as well?

I can assure you, our friends and ministry partners, that Rick and Susan are fighters and survivors.  They have each seen tremendous challenges in their lives, and it was their steadfast faith in the promises of the Word of God that saw them through those challenges.  It is that same faith that will see them through this one as well.  Here is what is different:  you get to share in the victory that will happen in this crisis, because you prayed!

Already, the naysayers and mockers have started with their taunts.  Let them speak their foolish words and let them mock.  It will only serve to be used to fuel their flames of torment in hell, unless they repent.  

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If I know Rick, and I believe I do, this attack of the enemy will only serve to strengthen his resolve to speak against the forces of darkness.   We will say it again:  NO weapon formed against us shall prosper!  NONE!

As more information develops, we will provide it to you.  We would ask that you would honor the privacy of Rick and Susan and their family.  They need time to recover and heal.  If you have questions or information to share, please feel free to write the ministry at info@trunews.com.

Thank you for loving Rick and Susan, and thank you for loving this ministry.  For more than two decades plus, Rick and Susan have demonstrated their tremendous testimony of faithfulness to the voice of the Lord, through thick and thin.  We now ask that you will come along side of us, join us in prayer for healing, for deliverance, and for victory. 

This will be the biggest testimony ever!

In His Service,

Dr. Raymond Burkhart,

Vice-President, Flowing Streams

Hill Reporter

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No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it