Shots for shotguns in West Virginia vaccine lottery

West Virginia plans to give away firearms as a reward for residents who have received a vaccine — part of a Father’s Day lottery that also includes trucks, scholarships and $1 million in prizes.

 Gov. Jim Justice said all vaccinated West Virginians will be eligible for the prizes, which include five custom hunting rifles and five custom shot guns. Justice said the June 20 lottery will mark the beginning of weekly giveaways.

From June 20 to Aug. 4, the state will award a variety of items as part of the lottery, Gov. Jim Justice (R) announced Tuesday in a news conference. Those who enter will have opportunities to win custom-outfitted trucks, weekend vacations at state parks, lifetime hunting and fishing licenses, and custom hunting rifles and shotguns. There will also be monetary incentives, such as full scholarships to any higher education institution in West Virginia, a grand prize of $1.58 million and a second-place award of $588,000.

Huffington Post

The governor also gave an update on Covid-19 cases and vaccination numbers in the state.

“Our active cases are 4,550 cases in West Virginia. That’s the lowest it has been since October 27, 2020,” he said.As for vaccinations, Justice said, “Today, on June 1, we have well in excess of 75% of our people that are 50 years of age or older that have received their first shot.””Also today, we also hit 84% of our 65 years of age and older, and so we’re 1% away from a lofty, lofty goal to have 85% of our folks vaccinated that are 65 years of age and older.”

“Save a life and change your life,” Justice said. “The more we can get vaccinated, the faster we’ll get to saving all kinds of additional lives.”

Source: CBS