Free Chat Friday, Week 24

Happy Friday News Viewers; Friday has rolled around again, only this week, the wheels on the Friday bus are ON FIRE. Heat waves across the country–reminding me of the age old question — What about Needles, California? Back in the day, Needles held the heat record; I contend that no place gets hotter than Phoenix, AZ– I remember getting out of the car and stepping into the Phoenix Summer, and I might as well have been walking into an oven. Yes, it’s true, the planet was getting hot even then, but like Hudson in Aliens said, “yeah, but it’s a dry heat!”

Hope you’re all staying comfortable — this is Friday’s Free Chat, so let’s chat freely about what’s going on in your neck of the woods–this has been quite a week in politics as well as weather; quite a week in the Pandemic, in the back yard (oh hello hideous moles, you have NOT been missed)…. so what’s on your mind?