Photo of Burning Trump-Pence Sign Wins 4-H Ribbon, Draws Republican Criticism in Minnesota

A teenage girl, a member of the youth non-profit organization 4-H, submitted the photo, which earned a blue ribbon from the Pennington County Fair.

“It seems this is a 4-H submission and is absolutely not appropriate, especially as a children’s submission,” the Pennington County Republican party wrote in a Facebook post.

The Republicans then wanted others to call the 4-H club and the fair board to complain if they too were offended.

Both the 4-H and fair later commented on the mixed reaction the photo received. The 4-H said it supports the teenager and acknowledged her “technical and artistic photography skills”

Eventually the 4-H and the Republicans disabled their Facebook comments, but not before the Republicans tagged the teen girl who took the photo.

The Pennington County Fair took the coward’s way out.

“Due to the controversial content of a 4-H photography art exhibit at the 2021 Pennington County Fair, we understand that there has been controversy with the exhibit on social media. The Pennington County Fair Association does not support the exhibits content or appropriateness,” the fair wrote on Facebook.

Kansas City Star

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