Ohio Republican Representative Protests Vaccine Mandates Outside Hospital Office


In an interview, Rep. (R) Rodney Creech denied any description of himself as anti-vaccine. However, he falsely claimed there’s no evidence COVID-19 vaccines will save lives; said he’s “100 percent” certain that COVID-19 deaths are overcounted; and said he’s not putting any vaccine “poison” in his body.

A Cleveland Clinic study found 99% of patients admitted to the hospital with COVID-19 were unvaccinated — a finding that has proven consistent in statewide and federal data. Creech wasn’t swayed.

“If those people are in the hospital, and they chose not to be vaccinated, I support them,” he said. “It’s personal choice, it really comes down to their choice. Maybe they feared the vaccine more than they do getting deathly sick from the virus.”

◾️One sign read: “We don’t need no vaccination, we don’t need no forced control.”

◾️Creech was protesting outside of Kettering Health who mandated vaccines for it’s workers.

◾️Creech said he expects an exodus of nurses and doctors as they refuse the vaccine.

◾️Creech said the employer mandates are government control.

Last June GOP-invited Ohio doctor Sherri Tenpenny told Ohio lawmakers COVID-19 shots ‘magnetize’ people, create 5G ‘interfaces’

Ohio Capital Journal

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