Betadine Is This Week’s Covid-19 ‘Cure’ Vying With Ivermectin

First, there was hydroxychloroquine. The latest fad was Ivermectin, the horse dewormer. In today’s “What will they think of next?” Antivaxxers have taken to gargling with and ingesting Betadine to prevent Covid. Betadine is the brand name for povidone iodine, a commonly used antiseptic for cleaning skin and wounds and also used occasionally as a douche. A 0.5 % solution is sold as a gargle for sore throats, with a caution, “DO NOT SWALLOW.” The typical bottle of antiseptic sold for skin cleaning is a 10% solution.


Betadine Is This Week’s Covid-19 ‘Cure’ Vying With Ivermectin (

Article submitted by, AucepsTheLocalMilkPerson.