Trump’s Mysterious 2019 Visit to Walter Reed Was For a Colonoscopy

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Didn’t Want to be the Butt of Jokes

Former President Donald Trump’s mysterious 2019 visit to Walter Reed medical center was just to get a colonoscopy, former press secretary Stephanie Grisham suggests in her forthcoming memoir, according to the Washington Post. 

Trump puzzled reporters and observers by giving few details about the unscheduled trip and claiming the November 2019 visit was for the first part of a regular annual check-up, which is usually done in just one appointment. 

Grisham implied it was just a routine colonoscopy, according to the Post, describing the visit as being for “a very common procedure” for which “a patient is sometimes put under” — and said that former President George W. Bush had as president.

According to Grisham, Trump didn’t want the world to know he had signed over powers of the presidency to Vice President Mike Pence. 


Wa Po
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