Stephanie on the rocks

Trump claims he’s always surrounded himself with the best and the brightest even if they get behind the wheel while intoxicated and get arrested twice for doing so.

The New and Not So Improved White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham had a few run-ins with the law regarding driving while intoxicated before taking her new gig as lying her ass off for Trump in June.

Mugshots from 2013 and 2015 show the repeat offender after a pair of arrests in central Arizona that happened two years apart.
New York Daily News:

According to cops, Grisham also had a loose relationship with the truth before becoming White House spokesperson. During her 2013 arrest outside Phoenix, Grisham, driving on a suspended license, told police she hadn’t been drinking, then blew a .105, which earned her a DUI.

She told cops she’d earlier taken a Xanax after they reportedly pulled her over for speeding in an SUV and smelled booze on her breath, which she denied.

Her second DUI arrest occurred while working on the Trump campaign back in 2015. Although no factual evidence exists directly linking working for Donald Trump to alcoholism, one could see how that line of work could cause someone to drink, even heavily at times.

Grisham pleaded guilty in exchange for a lesser charge of reckless driving.

Not only does Stephanie have issues with getting behind the wheel after knocking back a few or several, she also lost a job “in the private-sector after being accused of cheating on expense reports and a later job loss over plagiarism charges.”

Stephanie is now the third WH Press Secretary in three years.

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