Choctaw Church To Hold Prayer Vigil For Former Pastor Accused Of Inappropriately Touching A Boy


Pastor Michael Coghill worked with the youth for five years at Choctaw Church of Christ, prior to serving as a minister at Lakehoma Church of Christ in Mustang. Kessler said he could not believe it when he saw Coghill’s bruised face on the news.

“Knowing his character and his work here, no way, how could this happen?” Choctaw Church of Christ pastor Marti Kessler said.   

Coghill was beat up last week by the father of 9-year-old boy. The child accused Coghill of touching him inappropriately at a school bus stop. Police said the parent got video evidence of the alleged crime. 

News 9

According to the police report, a 9-year-old victim reported that a “guy touched him on the back and he didn’t like the way it made him feel.”

The report also says the person would stop at the bus stop while jogging, and it’s happened more than once.

“Yesterday, our adult that was made aware of the situation, actually stopped, retrieved a recording device, monitored at the bus stop, observed and viewed the suspect run past the bus stop, stop, come back, and then touch the juvenile,” Sgt. Dillon Quirk with Oklahoma City Police said.

✱The pervert received a skull fracture and a broken eye socket for his troubles.


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