96-year-old woman who fled Nazi war crimes trial is found

Irmgard Furchner

A 96-year-old German woman who fled on Thursday before standing trial on charges of aiding and abetting murder in a Nazi concentration camp has been found by local authorities and will be brought before the court. 

“The woman has been located by German police,” Frederike Milhoffer, spokesperson at the court in Itzehoe, told CNN by phone, adding that, “local authorities are now assessing whether she is able to serve a prison sentence.”The trial of the former secretary, named by Reuters as Irmgard Furchner, was set to start on Thursday. The woman is “suspected of having aided and abetted 11,387 cases of murder,” according to a court indictment.

The Stutthof Museum is seen in Sztutowo in northern Poland. Irmgard Furchner was a young secretary there during World War II and faces thousands of counts of being an accessory to murders that were committed there. File Photo by Piotr Wittman/EPA

The defendant was a stenographer and typist in the commandant’s office at the concentration camp in Stutthof, near what is now the Polish city of Gdansk. She is alleged to have assisted those in charge of the camp in the systematic killing of prisoners between June 1943 and April 1945, the indictment reads.

Source: CNN and UPI