Nearly Quarter of Republicans Still Think Trump ‘Likely’ to Be Reinstated in 2021: WTF Poll

It has been more than four months since the political media world was set abuzz after The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman first reported that Trump was telling confidants that he believed he’d be reinstated to the presidency in August, reporting that was later confirmed by other outlets — and fed by delusions floated by Trump allies like MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and attorney Sidney Powell.

And Trump himself appeared to confirm this in June when he told a crowd in North Carolina that “we’re gonna take back the White House, and sooner than you think.”

According to Lindell, the date of Trump’s miraculous ascension was to be August 13 — more than two months ago.


Eight months after former President Donald Trump left office, almost a quarter of Republican voters still believe he’ll be reinstated in the White House before the end of 2021—despite numerous failed predictions among fans and supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory.

Even though the U.S. Constitution doesn’t provide a mechanism for the “reinstatement” of a president who lost an election, 22 percent of Republican voters still think Trump will “likely” be reinstated before the end of the year, according to a new Economist/YouGov poll.

Of those, 11 percent say it’s “very likely” Trump will be reinstated and 11 percent say it’s “somewhat likely.” The number of Republican voters who believe that about Trump was far greater than Democratic voters—12 percent—and even slightly greater than the 19 percent of Trump voters.


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