Log-in to God: Vatican Relaunches ‘Click to Pray’ App !

Gets Up Close and Personal With God !

The Vatican on Tuesday rolled out its latest “Click to Pray” app, offering a personal planner among new functions for what it hopes will be an improved digital “praying experience” in a fast-paced world.

“Praying is not a waste of time, as we sometimes think. Prayer is like the seed in the darkness of the earth, which will show its fruit in its own good time,” said Father Frederic Pornos Fornos.


Click to Pray 2.0 will be launched November 1 after a test period on beta users comprised of cloistered monks and nuns around the world, Vatican officials said.

The new version — available in seven languages — offers more individualisation, allowing users to set an agenda to schedule prayers, provides more in-depth background about specific prayers and also links to Vatican-approved outside initiatives such as Tweeting with God.

“The idea is to be able to use it (the new app) and give an instrument to people to pray, to be in communion,” Monsignor Lucio Ruiz, secretary of the Dicastery for Communication, which oversees the Holy See’s entire communication network, told AFP.

AFP via Yahoo

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