Mo Brooks denies role in planning Jan. 6 Insurrection; implicates his own team instead

Mo “The Dog Ate My Homework” Brooks

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) disputed the Rolling Stone report citing him as one of the key members of Congress who spoke on planning calls for the Jan. 6 rally in Washington, D.C., tweeted CNN Capitol Hill reporter Melanie Zanona.

According to two organizers and one planner involved in the event, Brooks joined a slate of other Republican officials who participated in the planning calls with activists. Their accusations join along with a since-deleted video from far-right activist Ali Alexander, who also named Brooks as someone who helped come up with the idea about the Jan. 6 riot that left five dead and many injured.

“I was the person who came up with the Jan. 6 idea with Congressman Gosar, Congressman Mo Brooks, and Congressman Andy Biggs,” Alexander said in the video. “We four schemed up on putting maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting so that — who we couldn’t lobby — we could change the hearts and the minds of Republicans who were in that body hearing our loud roar from outside.”

But Brooks disputed all four of the claims he was involved, instead, throwing his staff under the bus.

Source: Raw Story and Rolling Stone