Coffee Talk

Another Thursday at Coffee Talk is here, so grab your cup and join us for some coffee, tea, Diet Coke, or whatever reawakens you to another morning of chatting freely and solving world problems.

At Coffee Talk, you can talk about what you want, say it how you like, and even say it with pictures if you prefer — but the beauty of Coffee Talk is throwing out an option to get things started.

Today’s Topic:

What’s on your Bucket List?

The 2007 movie made the phrase “Bucket List” a household term, but the suggestion isn’t anything new. We have all dreamed of destinations or achievements that we feel would leave us satisfied, but as I’ve been finding out — later rather than sooner — making a list seems conducive to successfully completing a project.

Do you have a mental or physical bucket list?

  • Is exotic travel or an adventurous destination on your to-do list? Is there a personal goal on your mind — say, run a marathon or achieve a certain credit score?
  • Or would you consider some simpler ideals more meaningful and realistically achievable? Perhaps you want to reconnect with someone, eat a certain food, learn a new language, or learn to forgive someone?

Hopefully, I have given us something to think about, and something to talk about — or both.

But remember, Coffee Talk is simply the free chat destination of the day, so bring your “Kopi Luwak” and let’s talk amongst ourselves.