Lancaster PA Police Officers Fired for Submitting Bogus Vaccination Cards

Schaeffer and Lapp

Officer Heather Schaeffer got a blank vaccination card from her cousin, who is in the military and involved in vaccination efforts, made a copy and sold it to Officer Benjamin Lapp for $20, according to documents LNP | LancasterOnline obtained through a Right to Know request to the city.

Lancaster does not have a vaccine mandate, but employees who are not fully vaccinated must wear masks in city buildings; those who are fully vaccinated do not, according to the policy.

According to Schaeffer and Lapp’s termination paperwork, Capt. Richard Mendez learned in September that the two “had been openly speaking about having fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination cards.”

The 2 officers “had been openly speaking about having fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination cards” according to the termination papers.

Officer Lapp appears to have thrown Schaeffer under the bus by telling officials that Schaeffer had other fraudulent cards and was possibly selling them.

✱It’s unclear, if a criminal investigation has been opened by Lancaster County.

✱As usual, with catch and release, they may appeal or file a grievance through the police union.

✱Schaeffer earned a base salary of $72,349.

✱Lapp earned a base salary of $79,622.


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