Beto O’Rourke Tied With Abbott For Texas Governor

In a new survey released on Monday, Beto O’Rourke is virtually tied with Governor Greg Abbott in a potential gubernatorial race between the two one year from now.

The poll, conducted by the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation (TxHPF), found that 44 percent of voters are in favor of Abbott remaining governor of Texas, while 43 percent are in favor of O’Rourke becoming governor. The remainder of respondents said they were either unsure or wanted a minor party candidate to be governor.

TxHPF Chairman and CEO Jason Villalba said that while Abbott has strengthened his support with Republican voters, those who vote in the general election are not as supportive.

“Much can happen over the course of the year, but these numbers show that not only can we expect a competitive general election, but that Abbott’s shift to the hard right may have imperiled his governorship.”

O’Rourke represented a district of Texas in the U.S. House and has run for the Senate and President. He is seen as a potentially strong Democratic candidate, as he flirts with the idea of running for Governor of Texas.

The Hill