Sarah Palin on Covid Vaccines: ‘It Will be Over My Dead Body That I’ll Get the Shot’


Sarah Palin appeared at Turning Point USA’s “AmericaFest 2021” conference in Phoenix, AZ — where she spoke on stage with the organization’s founder, Charlie Kirk. During this conversation, Kirk and the crowd cheered when Palin established her anti-vaccine stance and said “it’ll be over my dead body that I’ll have to get a shot. I will not do that. I won’t do it, and they better not touch my kids either.”

“I think if enough of us though rise up and say ‘no, enough is enough.’ There are more of us than there are of them,” Palin said.

For us to be hesitant and for us to wait for somebody else to take this on and stand up and say ‘enough is enough,’ you need to all look around and realize that as you stiffen your spine and take those positions you know are right — especially when it comes to the government telling us what we have to inject in our own bodies. Realize that those around you — as you stiffen your spine — their spines too will stiffen. There is an empowerment in a group like this where we can kind of feed off each other and really be strong.

Palin’s remarks come as the coronavirus case numbers are surging across the country again, forcing numerous business to re-initialize strict protocols in an attempt to head off the spread. The Biden administration is continuing their efforts to legally institute vaccine mandates for large businesses, and President Joe Biden is expected to speak about the current state of the pandemic in the coming days.


Palin argued that she does not need to be vaccinated because she previously had been infected with Covid-19. (March 2021)

“We were led to believe that we wouldn’t have to have the shot,” Palin said. “Well then they changed their tune and now those of us who have had Covid, they’re telling us that even though we’ve had it and we have natural immunity now that we still have to get a shot.”

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