Electoral Act Reform Picking Up Bipartisan Support

Last week a Democratic-led committee rolled out a 31-page report on the Electoral Count Act of 1887, where lawmakers say Trump attempted to exploit weaknesses in the law to overturn the 2020 election.

Now the idea of targeting the law for repairs has gained increasing support from some of Congress’s most conservative members.

It may be the best chance of passing any form of election reform as MLK Day arrives without much hope for broader federal voting reforms.

The reforms would ensure timely completion of the count, prevent individual members from obstructing the proceedings, and reduce the chances that Congress rejects a state’s electoral votes.

Jim Banks (R-Ind), who objected to certifying Arizona and Pennsylvania last year, said he’s open to the idea of ECA reform if it’s not a “Trojan horse” for broader Democratic election reforms.

A bipartisan group of Senators, including Mitt Romney and Susan Collins, has doubled in size to 12. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) is among them.

Ron Johnson (R-Wisc) says he is open to looking at problems with the law. “I understand people saying: ‘Huh, maybe something should be taken a look at.’ … I’m always happy to look at things.”

In the House, Democrats Jim Clyburn and Steny Hoyer are in favor of reforming the ECA.

“I have been calling for a reform of the Electoral College for most of my adult life,” Clyburn said.

Clyburn says it’s still not an ideal substitute for broader legislation.

More at NPR and Axios