Good morning, NewsViewers! The coffee is on, the sun is rising, the snow is melting, and it’s another beautiful day in our free chat paradise.

It’s Thursday’s free chat forum, where we can gather to share, laugh, gossip, or take out our frustrations. It’s up to you, it’s your moment.
And since it’s your moment, let’s get to ………..
Today’s Topic
We’ve been through a lot these last days….. wait, it’s been weeks now now since the world starting falling apart again? Good grief.

We could all use a break. And if we can’t ever get a break, we could all use a lift. A little daily affirmation never hurt anyone.
What are you good at? What is your talent?
Give us a little glimpse of the best of you. What are you good at? Is it a talent like playing a musical instrument? Is it a creative work, or a practical skill? A sport, a craft, or math? Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue? Are you a good listener, do people seek your advice? Do you have a green thumb, are you a talented investor? Are you a cat magnet? Give us a glimpse.
Of course, the Coffee Talk floor is yours to use as you wish. What’s going on today?
Happy Thursday, and enjoy your free chat!
*** P.S. -- Where did all of our community submissions go? Remember, this is our community...