Carl TuckyoRose and Matt PedoGaetz kiss and make up

After exactly one year from when Fox ‘News’ excommunicated Matt PedoGaetz from their stellar network, Matt sat down for and interview Wednesday night with Putin’s second bigliest puppet, TuckyoRose, to talk about the DoJ’s investigation into whether the he had sexual relations with a minor. Of course, he denied the allegations and TuckyoRose spun the conversation into ‘what about Hunter Biden’s laptop?!’

Yes, Matt definitely represents a ‘movement’ 💩 in Congress. And for those who want to rewrite history, Billy Barr headed up the DoJ and TFG was president when the investigation into Matt’s alleged thing for underage girls began.


Clips from the original interview with TuckyoRose that got PedoGaetz banned from Fox ‘News.’

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!