First up is far-right Republican anti-vaxxer Christian nationalist and anti-abortion zealot Janet Folger Porter, who is running for a U.S. House seat in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District.( Rep. Tim Ryan’s seat) Janet believes that COVID-19 vaccines, not COVID-19, are the enemy. Porter is saying that Christians who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 need to pray to God for forgiveness and not get any more booster shots.
“Here’s the deal: If God can take poison out of a stew, he can take poison out of a body — and that’s what I’ve been praying,” Porter said on that program. “Yes, we’ve gotta fight this, but if you’ve already had this thing, don’t get any more boosters. But I just want to say that we have a God who heals — who paid for our healing on the cross…. And so, God can heal even from mistakes we make. He can heal from cancer, he can heal from the poison jab, the death jab.”
✱Porter is a long-time writer for World Nut Daily
✱During the Barack Obama years, Porter was a birther — often promoting the racist conspiracy theory that President Obama was really born in Kenya.
Next up is no stranger to News Views. Mrs. Magnetism herself, Sherri Tenpenny, is a Cleveland doctor and anti-vaccine advocate who went on a rant about 5G internet and metal objects sticking to the bodies of vaccinated people while giving testimony at an Ohio House Health Committee meeting .
The Ohio Dr. now declares: it’s anticipated that “by the end of 2022, every fully vaccinated person over the age of 30 may have the equivalent of full-blown vaccine-induced immune suppressed AIDS.”
✱Even after her claims about 5G and that COVID-19 vaccines cause magnetism in the body last June 2021, her license to practice was renewed in September for 2 more years.