Now Says, Students Were Bullying a Teacher
This is an update to last Sunday’s discussion.
Pastor Raymond said, in a 1,100-word statement on the school’s website, he gave five children a choice of having their mouths closed with tape or school suspensions. He claims all five “volunteered” to have their mouths taped shut.
“The students all chose tape and I pulled off one piece at a time and carefully placed it over their mouths making sure that it did not touch their nose or interfere with their breathing,” he said. “At no time was tape wrapped around any student’s head.”
“After the tape was applied, I asked all the students ‘Are any of you in pain or hurting in any way?’ They unanimously shook their heads no. I asked, ‘Can you all breathe normally?’ They unanimously shook their heads yes. At any time, the students could have easily removed the tape by simply pulling it off.”
Raymond said the tape was on the children’s mouths for not more than 10 minutes before he and the principal “gently” removed it.”We love all of our students at Lakeside and strive to maintain a safe and effective learning environment,” he said. “Building character in teenage boys can be difficult.”
His latest account is at odds with the report from last Sunday. Could the good pastor be lying? Gasp!
✱Now says tape was not wound around the students’ heads. Sunday’s account said: The tape was wound around the heads and “the tape had to be cut off with scissors”
✱Raymond said the tape was on the children’s mouths for not more than 10 minutes before he and the principal “gently” removed it. The previous account said the taping lasted for about 45 minutes.
✱The preacher now says all the students indicated that they could breathe normally. In the last report the Slidell Police said “During the encounter, the students claim they had trouble breathing.”
✱Claims the tape was gently removed. The students, according to the police, said that “the removal process was painful.”
Raymond was arrested and charged with three counts of cruelty to juveniles.
A story published about his exit from “Survivor” in 2002 described him as “bossy, dominating and (who) irritated his tribemates.”