Happy Friday, News Viewers, on this good Friday, edging toward Easter, a religious holiday for some, or if you’re me, it’s a sentimental time, a time of nostalgia for the one Sunday going to church was just fine. Why, you may ask? Because …. candy, duh. While the parents tried to at least get us all sitting in that pew all dressed up, our focus as kids was sneaking the candy, trading the candy, hiding the candy. I may have moved out of my church phase, but I’m solidly attached to my candy phase (it’s been a really long phase).

In the midst of a News week that’s been anything but sweet, remember to celebrate candy this week, and know that you don’t have to like Peeps at Easter, it is NOT a requirement, same goes for Cadbury eggs, equally gross but for different reasons.
Ah but I digress. News, yes. This is our free chat for Friday, so have at it— I’m already into the sugar so it’s all good, open topic, what you say is what we get. Only caveat? The ”no assholes” rule applies, curmudgeons are always welcome. Do tell — what’s going on with you and what’s in the old Easter basket?